Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Welcome to the world of BANK ACCOUNTS!!!

Today, Jaxon took another step towards growing up - he got his own checking/savings accounts! He saved up some birthday and allowance money and decided he wanted to take the plunge into money management. He's DYING to use the new ATM card and since tomorrow is my birthday, I think I'll let him buy me a treat with it. Bad mommy, I know. Best to learn about the non-existent money tree now vs. later!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Southern California Halloween Feis - 2015

Our school hosted another wonderful feis this past weekend. It was a lot of work by all of the hard-working families and our teacher, Tony. Everyone danced beautifully and had a lot of fun! So proud of Mr. Jaxon. He was sick for 2 weeks prior to this competition but still wanted to go out and give it a try. He came home with a pile of medals and a trophy so he's quite proud of himself for persevering! Well done to all the Comerford dancers!!!

Test, test, test! Hours later, I'm finally here....

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Glimpse at our week!

I have had many people ask me what our homeschooling schedule looks like, particularly with me working 2 days a week. Well, it's all over the place, for starters. Every week has some constants and MANY free-radicals, if you will. Here's a sample: MONDAY - Mom works. Jax schools with daddy in the a.m. (Social Studies, Reading Comprehension, Spelling review and Violin practice). MONDAY EVENING: We alternate between Cub Scout Meetings and Tae Kwon Do. TUESDAY - Mom works. Jax goes to our neighbor's house with a backpack full of work the morning and then spends the afternoon playing with the other kids. TUESDAY EVENING: Violin practice, 70 min., homework review, reading WEDNESDAY: School day in the morning (Math, Language, Spelling, Writing, Logic). We sometimes do ALL of these subjects, sometimes just a few. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON: P.E. class at the park with a HUGE group of other homeschoolers. It's a different sport each month with GREAT coaches! After P.E., we head home for more school work and then leave for IRISH DANCE LESSONS. Wednesday night, we practice Violin FOR 70 min and relax. THURSDAY: School day in the morning - same core subjects as Wednesday (every 4th Thursday we have a meeting with our Educational Specialist from our charter school - we meet at the library and give samples of work to show we're keeping up with things. She is VERY helpful and a close friend). THURSDAY AFTERNOON: I go to the doctor every Thursday afternoon for my 5 allergy shots. It takes up about 1 1/2 hours of our day but it's worth it. Jax brings a book OR works an educational app. on the iPad while we wait. THURSDAY EVENING: Tae Kwon Do, then home for violin practice and relaxing! FRIDAY: (Okay, now I'm getting tired. Lord help me get thru another day! LOL!) Art Class @ Biola University for Jaxon. Every 4th Friday, we visit Acacia Villas with our homeschool group, HEART. Jax plays violin for the seniors, we play "name that tune" with them, some kids do Irish Dance for them, play piano, sing and act for them, etc. It's an awesome way to serve! All other Friday afternoons we work on Science and/or History and do violin practice. FRIDAY EVENING: Tae Kwon Do, dinner, reading, movie, relax! SATURDAY: Science and/or History (whichever one didn't get done on Friday) with experiments and journal projects. Tae Kwon Do for 1 1/2 hours, Violin practice and then PLAY TIME!!! We usually cook something fun or bake on Saturdays and play some Ping Pong with dad! SUNDAY: Church in the a.m., lunch w/dad, Violin lesson in the afternoon, dinner, t.v., EXHAUSTED!!!!! Darren and I love to watch HGTV at night and learn how to do all kinds of neat home improvements, none of which we've had the courage to try, yet! MONDAY: Man, the alarm goes off earlier and earlier.....I'm gettin' old. Here we go again!

Sunday, April 07, 2013

We're still alive!!

I think it's time to start updating this, again. With all of my free time, I should have some great Jaxon updates for you all to enjoy....NOT! I'll do my best, though. He's growing just way too fast!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Jax - Violin Workshop #2 (Mar. 22, 2009)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The BIG Club 33!

How could this have happened? I was just in high school, over teasing my hair and putting on my 35 bangle bracelets for the day when all of a sudden, I have wrinkles, gray hair and sagging eyelids!!! It's seems unreal that I am 40 years old. The time has passed so quickly and yet I have a lifetime of memories. Ah, the irony. Well, I always say that the only way to grow older is to do it whole-heartedly. I am a "live for today" kind of person and go all out whenever possible. So, knowing me as well as they do, my 3 girlfriends and "barn buddies" (from my old riding days...) surprised me with the celebration of my life.

I was told to dress up and that was all. When we pulled into the Disneyland parking lot, I was THRILLED! I wasn't sure what the exact plan was but anything Disney is alright by me. I was absolutely FLOORED when we arrived at the door marked 33. Having been there twice before (for lunch), I was fully conscious of the extreme honor that was before me as we waited to enter this most prestigious and magical place. Being here for dinner was an absolute DREAM COME TRUE (lunch was great but I understand the dinner experience at the Club is the hands-down winner)!!!!! It was a 5 1/2 hour meal with perks galore (it helped that a certain member of our little group has been a Disney employee for 33 1/2 years). I was spoiled beyond reason. After we finished our 1st 2 1/2 hours of feasting and drinking (and then drinking some more...), we enjoyed the "holiday spectacular or fireworks" show from the outdoor balcony of the club, champagne in hand. New Orleans Square was saturated in holiday decor and lighting which made our balcony visit even that much more magical. It was like being at the North Pole of Mardi Gras, with fireworks booming in the background. Incredible! Then, it was back inside for more champagne, custom desserts and gifts. I can't thank my sweet girls enough for making this the most memorable birthday I will undoubtedly ever have. So, Mary, Robin and Tricia....once again, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!

Last note....and best part...... After dinner, Eric the manager gave us a pass for the rides so we didn't have to stand in line with our high heels (it was midnight at this point). So, we send all of our packages to the front gate so we didn't have to carry them and set off for the Haunted Mansion Holiday ride. What a kick! Then, we went sailing on the Caribbean with the beloved Disney Pirates (we were singing "Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho..." at the top of our lungs). To finish things off, we went on my favorite ride, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and sat in the front row, laughing 'til our sides split at Mary's face as we got tossed around and thrown all over the place. Woo hoo! It was magic!!! What a blessed woman I am to have such loving friends....thanks, girls!!!!

Jaxon's 4th Birthday!!!

Wow! Where did the time go? It's so unbelievable that Jax turned 4 - he was just a little baby! We celebrated in style this year with all of his friends and family at the EastWest Ice Palace for a skating party. The kids had a 40 minute private lesson with Jaxon's coach extraordinaire, Darryll and his equally talented sister, Amanda. Then, it was open season as the kids took off into the masses of the public skate arena. Everyone had a blast, especially Auntie Shelly, who was brave enough to give it a try (the only adult to do so, I might add...). No broken bones and no major injuries occurred so all in all, it was a wonderful day!! After skating, everyone pigged out on pizza and cake. The best part? No mess to clean up - just packed up the gifts and headed home! Jaxon got a new bike from mom and dad, in addition to a pile of presents from his birthday guests. He was thankful for all of the nice things he got but mostly for the time everyone took out of their busy lives to spend with him on his special day.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Jax had a wonderful Halloween this year. His auntie and two cousins, Riley and Colin came over for trick-or-treating and some Halloween festivities. We all had so much fun together, conquering the neighborhood and filling up treat buckets at lightning speed. Luckily, the little guys were pooped after just one street (ours) so we called it an early evening and closed up shop for the night. It was great having the kids together this year!

Vinnie decided that after his surgery and his pumpkin cast that he no longer cares for pumpkins. So, he took it upon himself to slaughter one of our mini-pumpkins. He was so funny, chewing on that thing and "talking" to it. He rolled it all around and bit into it a few times before I took it away. He's still ALL puppy and the perfect match for Jaxon!

Washington State Ferry

Jax got to ride on a ferry this trip - the ferry system in Washington is great! We just took a short trip and got see a lot of locals and their dogs taking a ride, too. It was really fun and Jax loved watching from the upper deck as we came in for our "landing". It was really something! This picture was taken by Jax, thru a tinted window. Sorry for the poor quality but he sure enjoyed trying out the camera.

Space Needle

Jax had really been wanting to see the Space Needle. He knew all about it from one of his little programs that he watches (Little Einstein's) and could not wait to go up! We enjoyed a beautifully clear Seattle day and saw all of the city's splendor and the Puget Sound's business. The ferries and cruise ships were all coming and going that day. I think the best part was the elevator ride up/down. It takes a few minutes and goes pretty fast but a guide tells you some neat history about the Needle while you ride. It was fun!

Wild Blackberries

These things grow everywhere around Washington state. They are so colorful but they have nasty thorns. I tasted one but they weren't very tasty. They are pretty to look at, though and Jax thought they were interesting. He chose not to taste one after seeing mommy's scowl on her face after eating one. Smart kid.

Snoqualmie Falls & River

Jaxon loved seeing the majestic Snoqualmie Falls. Grandpa let him throw a coin WWWAAAAYYYY down to the bottom of the fall. That was super exciting for Jaxon. Then, we drove down to an area of the Snoqualmie River and Jaxon got to do what little boys do best - throw things! He tossed about 100 rocks into the river and said the same thing after each one splashed in - "Wow! That was a good one!" It was a beautiful day with a cool, crisp breeze that just made you want to stay out there forever. The water was so clear and the trees so green that you felt like you were in Heaven! Jax had a blast!

Grandpa's Backyard "Zoo"

Here are a few pics of some of the backyard visitors that frequent grandpa's yard. Jax was in awe and loved seeing some of God's most beautiful creatures in their natural environment!

Our Seattle trip

Once again, we had a fantastic visit with Grandpa and Grandma Sooz in beautiful Washington state. The weather was incredible and we took full advantage of it by exploring outdoors on long walks, renting a boat on Lake Washington and flying our beloved "parrot" kite (that is in the water more than flying above it...but that's why it's so much fun!!!) and our loyal visit to Kell's Irish Pub in downtown Seattle. It was a perfect trip and fun was had by all. Jax was spoiled by his grandpa and grandma Sooz and received a new rocking chair of his very own, along with a multitude of other fun games and toys. He's never bored at grandpa's house! We can't wait to go back and have another visit, soon!